{Not as I do!}
10 Things Not to Do
10 Things Not to Do
When you have Laryngitis
talkative friend who you
haven't seen in a month
to a cooking class, chatting
animatedly the whole way.
dinner the same night for a
dear friend in a very loud
restaurant with ten girlfriends
which is sure to include a
lot of laughter.
3. Do not spend the next afternoon
walking with a buddy on the
local trail as cottonwood drifts
in puffs all around you.....and
then meet all of your kids at
the club pool and try to squeak
out words over the din of shrieking
children, life guards and splashing water.
your hubby to meet another couple for
dinner al fresco, where more laughter
ensues and too much wine is consumed.
home the next day to indulge your
daughter's love of the rock group
the Goo Goo Dolls at a concert held in
the event center of an American Indian
casino. Can you say smoky?
night to celebrate your son's best friend
who is moving.....and try and croak out
words above the roar of the boat's motor.
{I actually took my own advice, here,
and sent the rest of the family without me.}
team the subsequent afternoon, even
though the game is a nail biter that
they lose, 12-11. No, no; ball field dust
and fresh-mown grass are not good
conditions for laryngitis.
mama on the telephone, even though
you have a lot of plans to make and always
enjoy catching up this way. Do.not.do.it.
9. Do not forget to smile, nod, shrug
and generally polish up your non-verbal
communication.....and your sense of humor.
10. Do not, whatever you do, whine to
your blogging pals to please, please
share their remedies for getting a
voice back after a week of a laryngitis.
share their remedies for getting a
voice back after a week of a laryngitis.
Thanks for listening : )
I'll let you do the talking, now.....
I'll let you do the talking, now.....
The human voice is the organ of the soul.
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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