
Hey Friends!
I hope your week is off
to a wonderful start.

Mine sure is.

This time, last week, 
I was in the middle of
a three-day raw detox
eating plan and I promised
to check back in and
give you the honest-to-
goodness low-down
skinny on the whole 

{Cue drum roll!}

It was great.

So, let's dive into the



P&H:  Remind us why
you wanted to do a detox.

Me:  This time of year is
crazy, with spring sports
and all of the end of school-year
activities that have our family
grabbing meals on the run. 
While I always make sure
that my family is eating well, I
let the ball slip on my own health
and wasn't making the best
choices for nutrition.  I don't
get enough sleep and really
need to draw as much energy
from my food as possible.  This
seemed like a good way to
focus on that goal for a few days
and hopefully jump-start the
desire to continue eating real,
unprocessed foods all summer long!

P&H:  Why a raw detox?

Me:  A raw {vegan} diet means food
not cooked above 118 degrees Fahrenheit,
so it maintains all of its digestive enzymes.
The raw foods act like little sponges
and soak up and carry away toxins such
as heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides
from the body in a way that cooked
foods do not.  The menu was also organic,
gluten-free and had no added sugar.  This
increases nutrients such as vitamins and
minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants 
and increases enzymes to keep the body in 
good working order.  Beverage choices were 
water or herbal tea.

P&H:  What was a typical day's
menu like?

Me:  I am lucky to have a friend who is a
chef and prepared the detox menus fresh
each day.  I always looked forward to picking
up my daily food and seeing what Emily had
created  for her detoxers to enjoy!  
Breakfast might be a creamy smoothie made from 
spinach, bananas, strawberries and Brazil nut
milk.  Lunch was another smoothie, such as 
the filling avocado, pineapple and basil one 
I had on the first day.  Dinner was a cold soup, 
such as carrot ginger, which was served with 
home made crackers or flat bread.  The rosemary 
crackers were my favorite.  I also had a raw 
energy bar each day, made from almonds,
buckwheat, walnuts, coconut, almond butter,
honey, vanilla and sea salt.

The lack of preservatives and emulsifiers meant 
that all of the food felt really pure.

P&H:  Did you experience any side
affects from eating this way?

Me:  I had some minor headaches,
which was probably due to eliminating
caffeine for those three days.  The detox
made me realize that I'd been using
coffee as a crutch both morning and
afternoon for the last month or so,
which isn't good.  A positive side affect
was realizing how satisfying the flavors
of fresh fruits, veggies and herbs can be.  When
I went back to normal food, it seemed
very salty; even processed food that seems
natural  can be loaded with sodium!

P&H:  Were you tempted to cheat?

Me:  While it was challenging to cook 
meals for others without partaking, I
knew that I'd only be short-changing
 myself if I ate or drank anything not 
on the plan. So, no, I stuck with it 
all the way through.  Stepping out of
my comfort zone and testing my self-
control {and winning! as Charlie Sheen
would say} were positive benefits for me.

P&H:  What did you miss the most
while on the detox?

Me:  The only thing that I really missed
was my morning coffee....because I love
the way it smells when it is brewing.  That
first hot sip, tempered with half and half
and yes, the little jolt.....the I'm awake and
ready to rock and roll through my day feeling!

P&H:  What changes have you made 
since finishing the raw detox?

Me:  I have tried to get more sleep, but
am still grappling with that.  I just have so
much I need {and want!} to pack into each
and every day.  I am usually asleep almost
instantly when my head hits the pillow.  I'm
drinking a lot more water and I find that I
crave fresh fruit and veggies, so am constantly
looking to work them into my diet.  This week
I am cooking up some nutritious food that
can be kept in the fridge, ready to consume
despite my busy schedule.  Emily's blog has
some really wonderful, quick recipes.  At the
moment, our cupboards contain very few 
processed snacks.

P&H:  Would you do this detox plan, again?

Me:  Absolutely.   One of the positive side
affects that can come from doing a raw detox
is mental clarity, which I absolutely experienced.
I would highly recommend it for anyone.  Even
if you don't have an Emily to prepare it for you,
there are plenty of raw detox recipes on-line
 that you  could make yourself at home.  

P&H:  What did your family think?

Me:  They were supportive of the concept, but
it was hard for them to get past the look of the
green smoothies!  You have to be open to new
colors and flavor sensations.  Not everyone is cool 
tasting cilantro, for instance, in their smoothie : )
The kids seemed especially interested in the menu.

Thanks to all of you who left me such encouraging
comments about the detox.  I just love you all!  
I hope that I was able to answer a lot of your 
questions about the detox experience, here.  
If you have anything specific questions, please 
contact me by e-mail:
I am very happy to lend an ear. 

Sending you my 
 thoughts for terrific week
 full of energy and happiness! 

Now, off to grab a banana......



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