{Getting} The GOODS: Part 2

I need to preface this post
with a confession:
 I'm not the aggressive 
that one needs to be when
visiting a sale like the
Na-da Farm petit flea market.

My senses get bowled over 
and I have to wander and take
everything in before I decide
what to purchase. 
 I'm bad ~ no, really bad ~
at pouncing on
the big goodies.

I'm the girl at the estate sale
who lines up early with the
 intention of looking for furniture, 
but comes out with a tea cup.
The real wheelers and dealers
swoop in, make their decisions
and wham!
they're out of there in a flash!

I'm standing there with a 
tea cup, thinking
what just happened here?

And, I always have Mr. Privet's
opinion in the back of my mind.

You see, when we were still
newlyweds, living in our little
Queen Anne Victorian
 in Illinois, I went to
the Kane County flea market. 
I made a BIG purchasing mistake
that he's never let me forget.

I fell in deep deep love with
an antique wardrobe.  A very
wardrobe with a mirrored front.
This wardrobe cost me a whole
paycheck.  Figured I was a working
girl and could make this big
decision on my own.

That was bad call number one.
He didn't agree.

Bad call number two:  It had to
be delivered.  More dinero.

Bad call number three:
It barely fit through the door.

Once inside, it had to be
lifted precariously by the
delivery men over the circa 1890
banister and handed up to the
first landing, then again 
muscled over the banister to
the top, because the stairway
was way too narrow to 
accommodate this beast.  

{Very similar to this staircase
from the movie Daddy Day Care.}
Yes, within inches of
the original 1890 stained glass
window on the landing.

{The window wasn't damaged!}

But the wardrobe didn't
go with us when we moved.

To this day, when I say I'm 
off to a flea market, Mr. P.
gets nervous.
Very, very nervous!

So, when the doors to Na-da's
petit flea market opened to
welcome us in, I was carrying
the baggage of flea markets
past with me.

I didn't pounce on the lovely
white bistro chairs ~ Tracey did!
Nor did I snag a beautiful
cornice board for over the bed, 
or a really pretty large piece
of decorative molding.
They were snapped up by more
decisive buyers!

But, in my own meandering 
time.....over two visits.....
I did pick up a few sweet
things for the nest that I am
quite happy about.
{One of my golds, Fiona, insisted I buy this display
of vintage cork screws.  She knew they'd be just right,
and here they are!}
Mr. P  hijacked the 
footstool my mom made me
to his office, so I bought
him this little gem as a trade.

There's some more burlap
love happening here
on my blogging chair ~
 my new lumbar pillow.

This cloche and scalloped base 
elevate almost anything
you put under the wire!

I was inspired by this 
painting.  I love quotes
and I'm also
 bringing blue back
 {my new mantra}, 
so it was a natural selection.

Use what talents you possess:
the woods would be very silent
if no birds sang
except those that
sing best.
Artist Jen even signed it!

This star made from
weathered barn wood
will look fine
strung with fairy lights
in the summer garden
and in the winter
 for Christmas.

A little poker chip medallion
strung on an organza ribbon
came home for my daughter.

My son got a bag of macaroons
and he was just fine with that!

I did buy several other small
things, which will be going to
live at other homes in the form
of gifts.

See Mr. P, no worries!
It's all GOOD.

Thanks for traveling to the
farm with me!
xx P&H


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