"1 Adam 12...see the girl....."

I am so proud of my daughter. I don't think I say that often enough, but these are the teenage years and they don't often do things to make you proud of them...there, I feel less guilty. But today I was very proud of her.

She has had her license now for a few weeks and has been doing very well. She drives her brother to school every morning and I think they drive off with big smiles on their faces amazed at the fact that they in the car together, going somewhere without their parents. I wonder what they say to each other. Probably something like, "Can you believe that we are in the car together going somewhere without our parents?" Or, "We are the luckiest kids in the world to have such great parents."

Anyway, a few minutes after they left the driveway this morning, my daughter called to tell me they had been hit and the other driver drove away. "OHHHHHH my babies!!!!!!!!!"
This comment was brought to you by MOMS. MOMS, we never stop calling our grown kids babies.

After describing what happened, I raced to the scene of the crime. My daughter, who is rarely ever calm cool and collected, was very calm cool and collected as she spoke to the police officer. And my son stood beside her tall and supportive.

Everyone seemed to be ok but somewhere deep inside, I have a lurking suspicion, that my calm cool and collected daughter is going to have one single focus today. Her focus will not be her best friend, or her Ipod or her phone or lunch. She will most likely walk the halls, her eyes scanning every face, to find the girl with shoulder length brown hair and a purple shirt, that hit her, waved and drove away. I shudder to think...


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