A short story

So you are newly married. When you arrive home from a fantastic honeymoon you and your knight in shining armour begin house hunting. Soon you find the perfect house. It is a darling little farm house with a small garden. You can absolutely picture you and your stud-muffin, pookie shmookie, honey pumpkin, living there forever and ever.
Every day you will rise, and the smell of fresh baked bread will fill your home, and you will have 3 beautiful kids, and you will be out early tending to your garden full of fresh vegetables and magnificent flowers that you will cut daily for the vase in the center of your kitchen table.

WAIT! WHAT WAS THAT?! A ANT? You follow it to a small hole in the wall and discover all his little ant friends...so you call the "ant guy" and he quickly resolves your ant problem. So you return to your kitchen where you have spent the day canning peaches...huge delicious peaches, and you feel a drop of water hit the top of your head. Oh no...not the plumbing...oh yes, the plumbing. So you call the "pipe guy" and he repairs your pipes and life is good again.
Good grief, what is that smell? Someone needs to find where that smell is coming from. So you send your oldest child, a son, his name is....Jethro...after your husband's great great grandfather's brother.... to scout out the smell. During his quest he finds black mold...asbestos..and lead paint. He was able to identify all these things because he is home schooled.
So you call the "mold, asbestos and lead paint guy" and he tells you that your home must be gutted. A tear slowly slides down your cheek but you know he is right. In order for your family to survive and be healthy your house has to be gutted.

It is hard to believe. You never thought, after 20 years, you would be dealing with this. So you call the "home cleaner outer guy" and he takes the house apart.
You turn your head because it is too hard to watch...in fact, you leave, using your free Mileage Plus tickets, and you take your kids to a dude ranch in Montana and you spend some time there....roasting marshmallows...
When you come home, you can't believe your eyes. Your farmhouse is more beautiful than ever. There is fresh lead free paint, new windows that let in more light, and everything inside is new except for two hand made chairs that you received as a wedding gift. The builder thought to leave them there just to remind you of how you felt when you were first married.
That night, as you lie in bed, you realize that you are grateful, and though it was hard to watch your house torn up...the result is something far more beautiful.


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