Take a Pass On Plastic

Nothing like a creepy cartoon to remind you how scary plastic surgery is. (I turned green at the liposuction part. Bleeck.) So, we see your lipo tubes and nose breaking and raise you one "Fantastic Plastic: Your Plastic Surgery Alternative," a new Too Faced kit debuting in our fall catalog. It includes Lash Injection Mascara that literally extends your lashes with elastic polymers, Wrinkle Injection that fills in lines with a silicone-based primer, and Lip Injection that increases circulation for a plumper pout—all without the cost, or crippling pain, of real surgery.

What about you? Ever consider plastic surgery?
Consider it? Ha, I've had it!
No way, Jose. Natural beauty all the way.
Yes. Beauty's in the eye of the surgeon. ;)
Maybe. Depends how wrinkly I get.


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