My Little Woman

Sixteen years ago, today
{Could it really be that long?}
Sixteen birthdays
Sixteen Christmases
Ten back-to-schools
Ten spring breaks
Ballet lessons
Vacation Bible School
Horseback riding lessons
Skating and skiing
Art classes
Horse Camp
Harp lessons

A baby yearned for 
and dreamed about for
nearly four long years.

Names we considered
but didn't choose
{according to her baby book}:


My husband wanted
Carolina {pronounced
Care-o-leena} Elizabeth,
but we figured no one would
pronounce it correctly, so we went
with our next choice, Elizabeth
Caroline {Care-o-line}.

Some say Elizabeth comes
from the Celtic Beath,  meaning
life; others say it is from the
Hebrew Bethia, meaning house.

I figured that if she chose
to shorten her name, she
might choose Beth, like
the character from the 
story Little Women.

But she wasn't a Beth.

At three, she was a
Lily, as in the precocious
character from Lily and
The Purple Plastic Purse.

As she grew older,
she was more like Beth's
older sister, Jo ~ spunky
and Tom-boyish ~ wanted
to be a vet, rode horses and
fished and in third grade her
best friend was the new boy
in class. She collected rocks
at recess and loved Legos.

Second grade

Third grade best buddies
Summer before Sixth Grade
My dad called her his
plucky girl.  Back then,
he was the only one who
she would answer to
with a nickname.


That all changed the
year that she changed
schools and started
as the new kid in
middle school.  I'm
not sure why, but her
Pa's plucky girl became
quieter and spent more
hours drawing in her tiny
room, enjoying time at
home, shining her mega-
watt smile {something
that has never changed}
on our little dog, rather
than on boys at the mall.

In short, she'd become
more like Beth and less
like Jo.

A homebody who would
do virtual high school if we
let her, she's most comfortable
in her flannel pj bottoms and
hoodies than in the latest
fashions.  She didn't pierce
her ears until 15 and swears
that she will never color
her hair, although if someone
else wants to {or even wear their
 hair red or purple or green} she
won't judge their choice.

Declared at seven that she'd
 never call us Mom and Dad, 
but always Mommy and Daddy.  
And she still does : )

My girl loves U-2, the
ASPCA, a good mystery,
Pixar, Etsy and the Discovery
Channel.  Her rendition of
the Theme from Up! on
her harp makes my heart sing.

Quietly faith-filled but still
gutsy enough to debate
anyone who would claim
that animals don't have souls.

While she answers mainly
to Elizabeth, many of her
close friends, and yes, often
her daddy and I, call her

But in my heart, she's a Beth.

And like Beth, she is the heart
of our home.

A home that will seem oddly
different in two short years when
she leaves us for college.

My eyes well often, at the thought.

They have since I first waved her
off to school on the Kindergarten bus,
imagining our future ~ a distant future, I 
thought at the time ~ without her in it.
I still wave good-bye from inside the
 front door until the bus is out of sight,
and she still waves back.

For those of you with younger
children:  it comes fast, my friends.

For those of you who have already
let your birdies fly the nest, 
how did you do it?

Sixteen years.

My little girl is
now my little woman,
and I love her so.


There are many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners
 till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees 
the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, 
and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, 
leaving silence and shadow behind.

~ Little Women


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