I caught a cold somewhere and today is the worst of it so far. At first I thought that maybe something in Vacaville was blooming...some strange flower, weed, bush, tree...something.. and that is what was making my nose run and making me sneeze.
But alas, when I got home I found that my son was having the same symptoms and that we were just the fortunate recipients of a nice head cold. He however has the immune system of Vitamin C itself...if Vitamin C was a living breathing person...(oh my gosh I think I am hallucinating). I, on the other hand, have little to no immune system left and am having a much harder time. Think of a whale and then think of a piece of plankton...the whale is my son's immune system and the plankton is mine (oh it's official now...and I am not even taking any cold medicine)
I think I was telling you about the cold because that was my excuse for sitting on my rear all day and working on my book....it's about a guy who is the son of a potato farmer in Ireland, and he falls in love with the wealthy land owner's daughter...and then the landowner finds out and then there is a potato famine....oh, wait, that is the OTHER book I am writing. This book is the one about my experiences and lessons through stupid cancer. It's gonna be goooooood. You just wait....you'll laugh, you'll cry....
I am still working on that other book, and a HUGE paint by number, and a family cookbook,and I am crocheting a scarf....
Haaaaaaachoooooooooo! Ok that does it...I am taking my tissues with lotion back the the bedroom and lay down.
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