The giants we face

I was thinking about me today...ha that sounds funny...I guess I think about me a lot. Anyway, I was thinking about me today among other people, and the giant things we are facing in our lives. 99.99% are not positive giant things but negative giant things. Facing giant things is hard...very hard. I often wish the only giant things I had to face was how to consume a giant eggnog latte or spend a giant amount of money recently bequeathed to me by a distant relative. Sadly, that isn't the case most of the time.

So as I thought of this, I thought of giants, and as I don't know too many giants I thought of Goliath cuz' he is really the only giant I know about, and I really know very little about him. Soooooo, because I don't have anything to do for an hour or so I looked up Goliath.

Goliath from Gath. A Philistine soldier....10 ft tall..he wore 126 lbs of armor and just the tip of his spear weighed 15lbs. He was big and scary. I suppose most giants are. I guess every day for about a month he stood out on the top of this hill with all the other scary guys with spears behind him and he called over to the opposing troops on the other side and taunted them.
He probably said things like, "baby baby 2X4 couldn't fit through the bedroom door" or "I see Paris, I see France, I see all your underpants" or even "missed me missed me now you gotta kiss me".

Whatever he said was enough to scare the other guys. So they got anxious, afraid, stuck, depressed...they wondered and questioned and I am sure even hated the position they were in. Sounds all too familiar to me.

Then there is David....pretty small guy...shepherd...played the harp..totally not a stud...after bringing a few sandwiches to his brother's he sees Goliath.
He walks toward him and announces "you're a gonner dude" and slings a rock at his head. Somehow that rock was slung so hard that it was embedded in Goliath's head and he died on the spot. David then decided to chop Goliath's head off...anger management classes were not at option then I guess.

So I thought again about the giants we face they taunt us and want us to feel scared and depressed and stuck and hopeless...but I think then about the David part and try to find the David in me...who by the way does not play the harp...and see if I can, even if just for one day, say to the are not going to win today.


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