My daughter wants to wear makeup!""

So those of you who have daughters bless you heart. I for one have a 12 year old son with very different issues. Now a days our little girls have so many body issues and all these magazines and video vixens and pop stars selling seductive looks I mean Im 31 and I feel ugly and not perfect looking at the self proclaimed beauties thanks to plastic surgery and endless makeup gurus and hair stylists but these young impressionable girls have no clue. So your little one wants to wear makeup and you say NO well my theory is different because she may do it behind your back that's what I did at school I looked liked a 25 year old Hooker!!! But mom there are ways to let your daughter slowly start wearing makeup and teach her first that less is more unless your a clown :) so I don't wear face makeup but I like tinted moisturizer to tone out my skin I found at Walmart a brand called geogirl I didn't realize that it markets to 8-12 year olds. ( I still like it for me) It's a fresh faced brand that wont make your angel look like a an adult but like herself and letting her feel more grown up without the damaging effects of real makeup for women. so check it and talk to your daughter about the effects of growing up too fast. But I do feel they need to remarket to 12-16 not so young as 8 year olds.


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