Cancer changes things

We are going through change here at the Hinkley home and I blame me. I don't blame me in a bad way.....but I still think that most of the cause of this change falls on my shoulders.

It's not a heavy burden to bear it is just a very interesting, very exhausting one.

I am sure there is some scientific theorem to back this up but I had Mr. Horch for science and I don't think he really cared so much for science as he did for teaching anything besides science...therefore A+B=C....wait...that's math

Anyway, here is the non scientific version; I got cancer...this in turn brought about changes for me...which in turn put everyone else in a position of change...hence all the changes and the picture of change at the start of this blog.

My changes sort of started the whole thing rolling....Chad was left with no real choice in the matter....his change, since he was the ever present parent in the beginning, brought on changes for the kids and everything looked different in Hinkleydom.

The point being that things will never be the same and I need to be more understanding that these Hinkley's are not the same ones I have spent the last 20 years getting to know....."resistance is fu-tile"


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