Thank you for the gifts

I wasn't planning on writing anything today. There is a spot next to my shoulder blade that is very painful...combine that with my knees and that adds up to the very small "big" pill. The big pill makes me sleepy and brings my synapses to a screeching halt. I took the big pill so I could get in the car and drive 10 minutes to the hair salon. Yes, the hair salon. I decided yesterday that it was "time"...time to look at the hair situation...more about that later.

After running 1 errand, picking up my daughter and driving her to feed the horses, I was "done"...drained, pooped..then there was a tap on the door...a wonderful, precious, generous woman, who spends her days giving to others...walked through the door with dinner...not only that but she stayed and we talked and laughed...she listened as I told her about my sore muscles and my dream of the massage I am not allowed to have...boy did she listen...she listened and she GAVE. She gave me the gift of an endless massage. A woman who spends her life giving, gave to me and I cried. I want to be her, I want to be that way...I want to give despite my day and my circumstances.
Thank you Kathie for your gift(s).


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