Beyond Imagination

Wednesday, 3PM 

Me:  Hi, Mom.

Mom:  Hi Sweetheart. 
Have you listened to any news today?
{Mom is a news junkie.}

Me:   Nope.  No news today.
{I am a recovered news junkie.}

Mom:  Apple and News Corp 
are collaborating
on an i-pad only newspaper,
The Daily.

Me:  Really?

Mom:  It is so cool!  The pictures are 
like something out of  Harry Potter
 ~ 360 degree views ~ 
and I can get it  delivered to 
my i-pad for 14 cents a day....

Me:  Wow! {Wishing I had an i-pad.}

Mom:  To think that my brother 
never knew about any of this stuff.  
{He died in 1996.}
The internet....i-pods, i-phones and i-pads.
Facebook, blogs and Youtube.

Me:  It's crazy how fast things are being developed!

Mom:  I read that the advance of 
new communication technologies is 
going to get even faster.  It's amazing.
Dad and I were just saying that what's coming
after we are gone is probably beyond anything 
we could ever imagine, today.

Me:  I remember touching a wall in Italy
that was built before Jesus was born.  
I vividly recall thinking that the people 
who lived among those walls couldn't conceive
 of the lives we lead now and how I,
 in turn, could not begin to imagine 
the lives of those that
will come after us.

Mom:  I guess it's always been that way......

Me:  Yes.  What a world!

Mom:  What a wonderful world.

Grateful today

 for loving moms,

technology that allows us
to stay connected

 and warm memories of those
no longer with us on Earth.

Grateful today

for a world that,
despite its turbulence
its pain
its struggles,

continues to dazzle me
with its 
its kindness
its infinite


Linking with Maxabella Loves

PS:  The winner of
my CSN Click your Heels Giveaway
{chosen by}
is #18
Charm Bracelet Diva
who said:
I would go to Ireland and hang out 
in castles and manor houses and 
at fox hunts in the country! 
Oh, and,in the pubs ~ the glorious pubs!

 Ostia Antica and Earth ~ Tumblr;
 i-pad, google images


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