Leading You In: Ten for Tuesday

Went to a terrific sale on Saturday.

Happy Tuesday.
Happy February!

Welcome to week four of
Ten on Tuesdays, where I
share what I am learning in my
Intro to Digital Photography class
and give you a peek at the ten photos
that I took to demonstrate the latest 
concepts that we are tackling.

Did you get a chance
to play with your camera
these past seven days?
Are the two of you
feeling better acquainted?   
I am discovering more
and more about JANE
every day.

Yes, I gave her a name : )
Sounds better than a390.

This is where the magic happens! {Photography 101}
Since a cloudy, grey weather
system was with us most
of last week while I was 
supposed to be gathering
images to share at today's
photography class, I had 
to push myself out the door 
in order to have something
to show for myself.

{Jane never needs pushing.
She's great that way.}

My hubby brought me these on Friday : )

Our homework  
this week was to 
take pictures that
 lead the viewer's eyes 
around the photograph.

One method we discussed 
in class was the use of
lines, perspective and 
pattern to draw viewers
into the picture.

Love our antique sofa table.  

Horizontal lines.
Vertical lines.
Diagonal lines.
Curvy lines.

Think shadows, bricks, rail road 
tracks, branches, bridges, streams or rivers,
rows of houses, vineyards, corn field,
trees, paths, grasses....

A favorite view
You can also invite
viewer into your image through 
the subjects you choose.
They can either be positioned
in the frame in a way that
makes you seek them out....

Dusk on our street.

Or, their pose might draw
your attention, like the curve
of a branch, the line of a shoulder 
or the droop of a petal.

When using people or animals,
the eyes should be sharply focused.
{Remember the adage that
eyes are the windows
to the soul. } 

Gracie's warm spot by the fire.

You can also use contrast
to entice viewers into your

 My 6th Grade Moms group had a wine-tasting Thursday night.

Dark and light ~
Color and lack of color ~
Conceptual contrast  ~ a dog
and cat together; someone smiling
 and someone crying
Irony ~ a no parking sign with
cars parked behind it, etc.

Both the wine and company were delightful!
But perhaps the best advice
I received this week
was from another blogger, who
suggested that it's most 
important to simply shoot
from the heart, and
not get too caught up
in technicalities.

Like everything in life,
it's all about balance.

Our Costco bowl of tulip bulbs opened this week.

The question is not
what you look at,
but what you see.

~ Henry David Thoreau

Don't forget, you have
until Thursday
 to click your heels
to enter my CSN giveaway!

Now, head on over
and see my classmate's
take on our homework.
You can even join us by
linking up to her
Thrive Project.  

Can you tell that we are having fun?
{That's Becky, mugging it up for Jane!}



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