Updates: Up & Away Contest Deadline, New & Old Bloggers, and more!

That's my 'Tower of Shame' photo, because I'm a little ashamed to have gotten this many American Apparel polishes! These arrived a couple of days ago, but really, I have no shame because I had a gift card and 15% off, as well as free shipping. I'm excited to start swatching these because the shades are not your usual pink and reds, but rather a diverse selection of colors that you don't always see. If there are any that you would like to see first, just leave me a note in the comments section.

I had a couple of things I wanted to mention...I keep a list of thoughts and ideas for my blog and the list is getting rather long, so here are some of those thoughts...if you haven't already entered the January giveaway, the deadline is fast approaching. One winner will receive the entire China Glaze Up & Away set and the deadline for entries is January 8. Check out the 'January Contest' box in the upper left corner for details. The Friday Follower Freebie contest I introduced last month has proved to be very popular. For those of you who have eMailed me about missing the deadline due to late receipt of the post in you eMail subscription or feed, worry no more! Beginning this Friday, I'll change the entry deadline from Fridays at midnight, to Saturdays at midnight. I really enjoy thinking up which products to include that I think would appeal to everyone, so thank you for playing along with me!

The other items I wanted to mention involve blogging. I follow well over 120 blogs and because I'm lazy and busy, I often neglect to add a blog to my blog roll when I add it to my reader. I try to go through my blog roll every couple of months and delete those who haven't posted in 2-3 months, so if you'd like your blog added to my blog roll, which is a great way to gain more exposure by being listed on other blogs, please don't hesitate to send me an eMail or leave a comment below, and I'll be happy to add you. Along those lines, I receive many eMails from new bloggers looking for advice on how to let other nail fanatics know that they have a blog. It makes me feel bad that they're getting discouraged because no one know they're out there. One way that helped me tremendously when I first started my blog, was that unbeknownst to me, Brooke from Getcha Nails Did made a post about a contest I was having. I didn't know Brooke at the time, nor did I realize that she was a champion for all bloggers, both old and new. She graciously posts "New Blogs on the Block" weekly, so send an eMail her way if you'd like her to announce you, and experience the power that is Brooke!

Continuing that idea, is a thought I've had for a while now to invite guest bloggers to my blog. If you're a blogger of nails or beauty products of any kind and would be interested in doing a guest post, please send me an eMail and we'll get to work on it. Even if you're not a blogger and you'd just like to share your nails or Face of the Day with us, you're more than welcome. While we're at it, even the big name bloggers, polish creators (Essie and Suzi, I'm talking to you!), and celebrity manicurists are welcome! I'm sure I'll get lots of responses from all of them~ha-ha! I think this would be a fun way to get to know each other better, as well as giving some exposure to those of you looking to grow your presence in the blogging community. I haven't accomplished too much in this life of mine without the help of others along the way, so if I can help any of you out, just let me know. The kindness of the blogging community has always impressed me tremendously, and I'm just happy to be a part of it.


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