To knee or not to knee..that is the question

Let me just start out by saying Dang-nab-it! (just keeping it clean). When I woke this morning it seemed that everything was in working order. When I stood up I realized that this wasn't the case as my knee buckled underneath me. Although there were various 4 letter words that I wanted to use, I stuck with least that's the story I am telling...

Instead of feeling better like it was supposed to, my knee is much so that I had to pull out the big guns. I am taking the big girl pain killers and my cane is coming out of retirement, at least for today.

Now, this is not the knee that was recently treated, it's the other knee. I don't know if it's just jealous because my other knee was getting all the attention or what, but either way it appears that it too will need treatment. This sucks, I mean stinks(sorry home schoolers) I just got home, I just unpacked, I just started making OTHER plans.

As of this moment, I am waiting for the Dr. to call. Do I treat the knee or not? How long will it take? Do I re-pack and start today or wait until Monday? If I start Monday the avalanche of new problems begins to slide...driver's weaning...meeting with school counselor to discuss Emily's not so motivated approach to graduating with her class next year. I actually believe that she has goals, the primary being winning a very large amount of money from the Guinness people for the most text messages written in a 24 hour period, thus providing her with enough $ to bypass further education options and begin her PRP otherwise known as the Pit bull Rehabilitation Project.

Here again, I am just in the passenger seat on this. The one who is driving knows best.


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