Let it go

It's late. I have to be up early for an appointment, then back on the road home again.
I had a conversation with my daughter tonight over the phone. She is struggling with her grades a bit..cough choke...let's just say that graduating next year looks pretty grim. She is a very smart girl. She has always tested years ahead of her grade.
She has Asperger's Syndrome....her thoughts are very literal....evidently this prevents her from turning in ANY assignment that she doesn't see as being of use to her.
I have tried...oh Lord I have tried...to no avail. I could give seminars on all the things I have tried....and she could give seminars on "How to have an excuse for everything that happens in your life"

She is 18...she is smart...she can ace every class if she wanted...she just doesn't see why she should bother with it.
Asperger's is a tough one..one foot in each world. I think it's time I stopped trying to "fix" her. It's time to let her go.
I guess I have to let it ALL go. It's easier if you say it all at once...like it's one word "LETITGO"
Say it with me.....letitgo

RX repeat it twice and call me in the morning...no too early please.


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