Click Your Heels and a CSN Giveaway

I need those magic Dorothy shoes!

Another blessed Friday.

Another cold, grey blessed day ~
Which has my wheels spinning,
about a winter getaway.

Our street : )
Where would I go
if I could
click my heels and
fly away,

If Mr. Privet said
Pack a carry-on bag,
we're out of here on
a 6PM flight.....
anywhere your heart

{Not that Mr. P. would
ever say heart desires.
Not his lingo.}

After I was done
laughing about
heart desires,
I would clap my 
hands together and say
Let's get out of Dodge!

Because, of course,
he would have taken
care of
childcare arrangements
dog boarding
stopping the paper
holding the mail
turning down the furnace
turning on the the light timers....

He's a details man.
I love that.

Lickety-split, I'd pull
out my roller board and
start stuffing it with the
bare essentials for.....



maybe even


But even a girl who
wants to roll out of
Dodge lickety-split
wants to do it in

Which is where
CSN, their lovely
giveaway and YOU
come in.

Just leave me a comment
about where you would
escape winter if money 
was no object
and practical obligations 
didn't exist, and
you will be entered into
a giveaway for a $60
gift card from CSN,
to spend anyway

Simple, right?

CSN Stores 
is actually over 200 on-line
shops, from home decor to yes,

Picture yourself wheeling
one of these carry-ons
up the jet way...

This says heart's desire : )


Isle of Capri ~ Ciao!

Deserted island?

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed
by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines, sale away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore.  Dream.  Discover.
~ Mark Twain

The give away ends
Thursday night,
February 3rd.

Good luck and
happy dreaming!


PS:  If you are a reader
but don't write a blog, 
please leave your e-mail 
with your comment
so I can reach you if you win!

images 1-3, Privet & Holly
Sunny destinations: Tumblr
Luggage:  CSN stores


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