Up up and away

Yesterday my mom and I flew home from Chicago. We had a great time. Mom went to her 50th High School reunion and I sat at every one's house and ate their food. It was great.

The flight home is normally a little over 4 hours due to headwinds, but yesterdays flight seemed much shorter as I was attempting to save every life on that plane which kept me very busy.

It began when our fully loaded plane was speeding down the runway to rise effortlessly into the wild blue yonder with fluffy clouds and nothing but happiness.
Then my mom tapped my arm and directed me to look at the very well dressed man across the isle from me.....HE WAS READING A FLIGHT MANUAL....a very well worn flight manual that described all the gauges and how to turn the plane around....

After studying the manual for several minutes he pulled out another manual, this one written in another language and highlighted with pink highlighter.

After a small panic attack, which my mom found quite humorous, I began to plan how we were going to take him down should he try to hijack the plane. Several times during my planning session he got up to use the Loo which I decided was too many times because he was too young to have "those" issues.... and I decided that he was using that time to mix water with his eye drops and some aspirin to make the explosive device.

While mom was changing the disc in the DVD player I was scouting the plane for strong husky men...then I began to wonder what building we would be crashing into as I noticed he never looked at the landing portion of the manual.

Meanwhile everyone else on the plane was quiet and relaxed....they were either sleeping or reading while enjoying their complementary beverage. I wish I had been sleeping because clearly this was a total waste of what energy I had left.

After 5 episodes of Bleak house on the DVD player I only managed to remember 3 names and am afraid I will have to watch some of it again as I spent vital minutes deciding what to have written on my headstone.


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