Meet Newcastle's finest Nail tech

Finally, I got to speak to Award Winning Nail Technician, Vikki Taylor-Dodds. This interview was supposed to be joint with the Sam Biddle post. However, Vikki took a well deserved holiday after her hard work at this year’s Nailympics, she’s back home, bright eyed and bushy tailed.

So, Vikki, how did you get into nails and how long have you been in the industry?

I started in the nail industry in 2002, I have always enjoyed creative hobbies and especially nail art.

I have been truly wowed by your competition nails. Tell me more about how you got into handcrafting little fairies and mermaids on nails?

I start building designs much same way I would draw them, If you take any item you break it down into sections it makes it much easier to build.

How long does it take you to complete a set of competition nails?

Many competitions nails are handcrafted from scratch, so at the excel show last year they took me 2 & 1/2hrs. The nailympics allows you to pre build your nails it can take you months, my last set took about 75 hours.

You must be a great artist. Do you think you can be taught this type of design work whether you’re creative or not?

Yes i think you can be taught the skills to build & design, It’s harder to teach someone how to come up with the original ideas, It's all about looking for inspiration.

I have never seen anything like your competition designs. Where does your inspiration come from?

Magazines, Clothing, TV, I even look for inspiration in my local supermarket. People think I’m crazy because I can admire someone’s shoes on a night out and my brain is working overtime thinking of how I can put that design onto a nail!

What brands do you use to do your design work? And which are the best brands to use for aspiring nailista’s?

I use EZflow, their competition white is excellent for building and the colour range is fantastic, the products you use makes a huge difference to your work.

Out of all your creations, which are you most proud of?

I don’t have a particular design because I’m a perfectionist I can always see room for improvement, an hour after I have finished them, i think oooh I wish I had done that!

Do you do ‘regular’ nails anymore?

Yes, I do nails in my salon every Saturday and I teach most days. I still love doing a regular set of nails (I must say they normally have a little design in them).

Thank you Vikki. I can't wait to see your next set of competition nails!

Vikki is the owner of Spoilt for Choice Salon in Newcastle and runs an education academy, Educationail. For more information on Vikki and her education school, visit her website

If you are willing for a grilling from me, email me. I would love to interview you if you have your own blog, cool website or if you know your 'stuff'.


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