I never imagined that I would ever be in the situation I am in. I have no idea what life is going to look like on a minute to minute basis. There are days when I feel very very lost. I guess I always thought that being lost was a bad thing. And I think in many cases it would be. Like say you get on a plane and for some reason the plane tears apart in mid-air. Only 48 of the passengers survive and you are stuck on this deserted island..and maybe there is this weird smoke monstery thing and polar bears...and you try to find your way back home but it doesn't work. THAT is not the good kind of lost.
I am talking more about directionally lost. Like you find yourself in very unfamiliar circumstances, and you are not sure what to do now. Here again, what may appear to be a bad situation can become a good situation in an odd sort of way.....no...I did not take too much pain medication. Being lost puts us in a situation where we have to ask for direction. Where we realize that we don't have the answers. I don't know much more than this, but I am asking.
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