Planting Words

{You are precious.}

I want to be someone's Abileen...
....and plant those priceless 
words of encouragement in 
that person's heart.
As I took our dog Gracie out
a few nights ago and looked up
at the stars, my mind replayed
 Abileen's words....

You is kind.
You is smart.
You is important.

And I thought about
Paige's earnest words
and her desire to raise
someone up so that
they might face life
with courage and grace.

{You are sweet.}

And then it struck me.

Paige is
an Abileen ~

and I am an Abileen ~

and YOU are an Abileen ~

Not just to others,
but to 

Don't we all have
inner tapes that we
rely on, to guide us
through our days,
our nights, our lives?

{You are so loved.}

I was lucky.  I had
a mother who blessed
me, like Abileen did
to Mae Mobely, her
little charge in The Help,
with my own set of mantras
that helped get me through
childhood when times
felt rough.

Pretty is as pretty does.

Always give yourself
high marks....Others can
always knock you down a
peg, but you never should!

Stand up straight.  Be proud
of who you are.

You are worth more than that.

{You are a good friend.}

Just a few of the many tapes
I was armed with.  I hope my 
daughter feels that she has tapes 
of her own to rely on when she 
is feeling insecure about 
something in her life.
My son, too.

Abileens come in many 
forms besides parents.

A favorite uncle.
A special teacher.
An inspiring coach.
A kind neighbor.
A caring minister.

Even the family dog 
can be a big fan, with 
behavior that says,
 You are one great kid!

{I can count on you.}

As adults, we must become our
own Abileens, gently leading
ourselves through each day....

Honey, it's a new day.
Rise and shine.
The world is waiting.

Come on girlie, a few
more laps.  You owe it
to yourself.

Be brave.  You can do've done it before.
Hang in there.

Don't take it personally.
You are a good friend.
She/he must be having a
bad day.

Some of my inner Abies : )

{I love how you see the world.}

Our inner Abileens keep
us on the right track.  
They help to keep us calm 
and centered.  They say, 
You are loved, 
no matter what.

I truly believe that many of
the people living in prisons
today didn't have an Abileen
to record their tapes.  And it's
 pretty darn hard to make
your own when you don't
have that positive influence
somewhere along the line.

{You matter to me.}

This is where Paige's wish
comes in.  Every day we get the
 chance to embody Abileen and 
lift someone's spirits, in the same 
way you have to encourage 

I love how reliable you are.
Your enthusiasm is contagious.
Thank you for your help.
You do that so well.
You made my day.

At home.  At work.  At the grocery.
At the doctor's, the post office,
the gym or the auto shop.  We
can boost others with a smile
and a few kind words.

{You are special.}

Even last weekend on the 
baseball field, I heard
12 year-old boys personifying 
sweet Abileen as they shouted 
encouragement to their 
team mates.....

Way to go!
Great effort!
You can do it!
You're awesome!

I don't think the world
can ever have enough
Abileens.  We are hungry
for affirmation and the
quiet knowledge that

we are kind
we are smart
we are important

no matter how old we
are or how often we hear it. 

{You are amazing.}

Let's make sure
everybody hears it.


Photos of the dog whisperer,
aka my daughter, who blesses
every canine she meets with
a kind word and touch.


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