Writers Block

With all that is going on, you would think that I had a plethera of things to write about. (Now is when I would usually make a comment to homeschooling moms about using the word plethera as a vocabulary word. But it's summer and school doesn't start for a few weeks.)

Anywhoooo, I have not written anything in the last few days due to writer's block.
"Writer's block is a condition, associated with writing in which an author loses the ability to produce new work. The condition varies widely in intensity. It can be trivial, a temporary difficulty in dealing with the task at hand."

So here are some suggestions I found online to overcome writer's block.

1. Talk to a monkey - Explain what you’re really trying to say to a stuffed animal or card board cutout.

2. Take a walk - Get out of your writing brain for 10 minutes. Think about bunnies. Breathe.

3. Do one chore - Sweep the floor or take out the recycling. Try something lightly physical to remind you that you know how to do things.

4.Make a pointless rule - You can’t end sentences with words that begin with a vowel. Or you can’t have more than one word over eight letters in any paragraph.

So here is my plan for today. I am going to take a piece of cardboard, cut it into the shape of a bunny. Then I am going to talk to it for a while. After that I am going to try and sweep the floor with it, which I think is pretty pointless, but never say never. Then I will take it to the garage and put it in the recycle bin restricting myself to only 35 steps, repeating to myself that "I know how to do things!" I really think this will do the trick.

So hold on to your hats because tomorrow's blog entry should be amazing.


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