Making Tracks: A Virtual Tea

Hello, sweet friends.

If you were really here
right now, in person,
you'd be sitting across
from me in an Amtrak
train dining car, heading
up towards Seattle.


Dappled forests,

snow-capped mountains,

Queen Anne's Lace

and lovely old barns

whizzing by in a flash.....

as we lean across
the little table to talk
softly, steaming cups
of Darjeeling with milk
sitting between us.

If you were really here,
I'd tell you that while
my visit out West was
filled to the brim with
big events, like a family
reunion, a wedding,
college visits and a
trip to the sea, it was the
 little moments that
I will carry with me,

If you were really here,
I know you'd nod and
laugh, smile and listen
intently ~ because you're
you and that's what 
you do : )

I'd ask you to tell me
about your special summer
memories and while you
happily elaborated, I'd
pile our plates with 
 yummy tea goodies.

Then I'd regale you 
 with tales of antiquing and
junking and reveal that
I've decided on Lavinia Rose
for my best thrift find of 
the trip, a gorgeous silver
over copper tray already 
winging her way back to 
Minnesota via U.S. Mail.

You'd ask after my parents
and their loveable pooch
and I'd sing their praises
for putting up with me and
my kids for nearly a month
{and my hubby for ten days},
spoiling us with great food,
great talks outside on the gliders
and great times simply

You're blessed, you'd agree,
and for a few seconds we'd be
 silent, digesting your words
along with our scones.

And if you were really here,
I'd get even more serious
~ just for a moment ~
and grab your hand and
thank you for taking this
ride with me, because 
I love you
and you're the best.

And since you 
are you,
you'd know that I
wasn't just talking
about the train.

More tea?


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