Remember when you were a child and you noticed the Christmas decorations showing up everywhere and you found yourself starting to get excited? It seemed that every night there was something on TV to remind you. Then it was time to watch Frosty, Charlie Brown Christmas, Heat and Snow Miser, Rudolph and so on. The adreniline in your body was set to full-blast. Then it happened... you woke up and it was actually was almost too good to be true!
Well it's Christmas here today. Today is the day that Em takes her driving test. By the end of the day she could have the present of all presents for a girl her age....the gift of freedom...well, whatever freedom a quarter tank can give her (we broke the news last night that we weren't paying for gas :O OUCH)
My mommy heart is nervous and excited...nervous for her safety and excited to know that I will actually be able to finish a HOT cup of coffee in the morning without having to rush out the door. No more driving to school in my pajamas and more being the first one out to the car to turn on the more avoiding near death experiences in the "drop off" area of both the highschool and the middle school.....just you and me and maybe a scone or some toast or possibly oatmeal
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