Big Lots you say? Yes, that right! My Big Lots is not the best in the chain, especially when it comes to their Health & Beauty section. There is little order to it, and I seldom find anything of real interest. However, yesterday
Steph's Closet tweeted about something she found there that made her very happy, so I tweeted back that I was going to check it out. Into the maze that is my Big Lots I went this morning, first picking up some other things I needed, just taking my time getting over to the Health & Beauty section because honestly, I wasn't holding out much hope of finding anything, much less the Holy Grail that she found. I arrived at my cluttered destination seeing what appeared to be the same products I always see there. But wait...what are those beat up cardboard boxes on the bottom shelf hidden behind the
cotton balls? Could it be? As I pushed the
cotton balls aside, the skies parted and music began to play from the heavens above. I stifled a scream as I lifted it up to have a closer look. Yes. Sally Hansen's fabled Emerald Ring for $1.00.

Above & Below: After my heart stopped racing, I sat down in the aisle to see what other treasures those
cotton balls were hiding, and here's what I ended up with, all for $1.00 each.
Below: As long as I was having so much fun, I also picked up another Revlon Dark Pleasures I hadn't seen before, Scarlet Letter. The
Borghese is called Capri Coral, and the Palmer's Cocoa Butter sticks are a staple item that usually cost me the same price for one at Walgreen's what I paid for three at Big Lots.

The moral of the story? Just because a store never has anything exciting in regard to hard-to-find polishes, doesn't mean that one fine day, that could change! Thanks to
Steph for the tip!
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