Daffodils and Damask.....

....and other small things
I'm loving right now!

Tea towels
from Anthropologie ~

Due to a severe case of
 spring fever, I'm loving
all the ones featuring birds,
but if Bernese Mountain Dogs
or Bull Dogs remind you of spring, 
they have some cute towels
you can snap up on-line
for half off, here.

Dry roads, washed clean
 by our first spring rain
{Gracie likes it, too.}
We hit 50 degrees F. for 
the first time this week 
since November.  And with
the sun out.....heavenly.

Essential oils, which I mix
with jojoba oil and rub on my wrists. 
 The one I seem to be using most these
 days is lemon, for energy.
Reminds me of Love's Fresh Lemon
cologne, which I wore in sixth grade : )

Excellent reviews of the new
Jane Eyre movie with
Mia Wasikowska as Jane and
Michael Fassbender as Mr. Rochester.
Understated, yet transfixing 
according to one journalist.
Can't wait to see it at a
matinee over our spring break!

Prosecco, an Italian sparkling
wine that is light, dry and bubbly, much 
 like champagne. To me, it tastes like
spring in a glass. If you have 
a champagne stopper, it keeps well in 
the refrigerator after opening.  
I like to have it on hand for little 

the laundry's put away
it's Wednesday
an A on a history exam
no cavities

You get the picture!

Can't seem to get
enough of them.
I like to post sayings
and words on the 
bulletin board by the door that
leads out to our garage.
Usually printed from my
computer or scrawled
on a piece of paper.  Decided to
kick it up a notch with
this lovely, purchased at
25% off this week here:

The dignity of the Japanese people.
No looting, no violence, just a quiet
commitment to moving ahead.
One woman I saw on TV even
bowed before being scanned with 
wand for traces of radiation, 
to the worker wielding the wand.

True grace.

What are you loving,
these days??
I would love to know.

Have a wonderful weekend
and as my new sign says,
give GOOD!


PS:  The reference to
damask in the post title
is to the stencil that I
finally finished painting in 
our powder room....and YES,
I still love it.  {Thank goodness!!}


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