D-day or G-day as the case may be

I hate to be harping on the "life goes on despite cancer and you have to go on with it instead of sitting propped up in bed with coffee in one hand and a good book in another like you want to" subject, but it's true. And speaking of butts...today Forest sees the Dr. for his "procedure".Shhhhhh, I don't want him to hear me even though he is about 40 minutes away and it's raining pretty hard.

Forest, I am so sorry yet not at all sorry about this. Life may not be as spicy for you but spicy is really overrated in my opinion. Just think of how relaxed you can be. You can inhale all the fresh spring air without being transformed into some lustful ogling drooling stallion that is guided by his every sniff of mare flesh regardless of her social standing and respectable morals.

I will be right there at your side...ick...while the Dr. snips...ick...and clips...ick...and other stuff...yuck. I may have to leave for a minute, but you won't know that because you will be asleep.


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