BB Couture Spring 2010: Ladybug Collection

Overall Beauty is offering the BB Couture Spring 2010 collection beginning today on their web site. The collection is called Ladybug and offers 6 shades of glitters and cremes.

Above & below L-R: Daisy Dweller (yellow glitter), Beetle Bailey (purple creme), Ode to a Ladybug (red creamy glitter), Lovebug (pink glitter), Signs of Spring (blue cream), Manbug (green glitter).
This looks to be a great collection for Spring, and many of the shades will work all year long. Let's see if I can convince myself to buy all of them, or just a select few. I love a yellow polish against tan skin in the summer, but have only found a few that apply nicely. BB Couture polishes have one of the best formulas available, so I'm definitely looking forward to Daisy Dweller. Hmm, which others should I choose? Manbug is a no-brainer. It's an intriguing shade of green, it's a glitter, and it has a cute name. Signs of Spring looks to be a muted blue with a slight teal hue, so okay, I talked myself into that one. Beetle Bailey looks like a nice enough shade of purple, maybe even Eggplant, but do I need another purple cream? No. Am I passing on this one? I really can't, for sentimental reasons. You see, I have 2 older sisters and we're all a year apart. I also have a little brother that I don't want to leave out, but he wasn't born yet when this childhood flashback started. Anyway, when my oldest sister started Kindergarten, my Mom promised to buy her a turtle...I don't remember why, but then each year when the next child started, she always bought them a turtle. We ended up with 3 turtles and believe it or not, 2 of them survived for more than 20 years. One was named Beetle Bailey, so yes, I have to have this one. I need the collection namesake polish, Ode to a Ladybug, because in the picture, it looks like it might be a red-based coral rather than just a straight-up red. So that only leaves Lovebug. Pink. Glitter. Girly. Without it, my collection wouldn't be complete. Into the cart you go. As you can see, I can justify anything once I put my mind to it! With Kim's quick shipping, I should have these to swatch for you soon.
What do you think of this collection? Do you have any favorites? I've got 7 untried BB Coutures on my shelf, so I'm going to get busy swatching them to make room for this collection!


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