Ageless Beauty....

Hey ladies, so I was watching E! and I was looking at these celebs who are over 30 and look great I got to thinking why do most people think that beauty fades with age? Or better yet why do they all say "Oh they have money so they can look like that". Are we just making excuses or do we not invest enough in our temples AKA bodies.

Yes their jobs are to look good so yes they have it easier than us, but their human too! they have to work at it just like us. Most of us don't have time to work out or do our hair and make-up or spend  money on products. But if you want to look good as you age you need to take more care of your self.

 After 25 is key or even before you NEED to invest in facial regimen products to prevent pre-mature aging, and ladies if you think you don't think again!  Go to the bathroom and smile do you have crows feet and laugh lines??? If yes  and hopefully only when you smile.... well guess what those will eventually not go away after you unscrew your smile... so please buy Day cream, Night cream, Eye cream and a good creamy facial wash. Plus a whole 8 hours of sleep every night even weekends.
Stay out of the sun....spray tan if you need to. Only 5 mins of  direct sun is needed a day to produce vitamin K.

 Take care of your hair too stop dying so much and over styling...use quality products INVEST, INVEST or if your broke like me go back to natural beauty like Coconut oil, Olive oil and Water...Plus exercise Ahhhh I hate too but if I want to look good I better get in gear ASAP.

 Eat right and don't do a yo yo diet it's not healthy just cut out the fast food, sodas...Yes even diet sodas!!! And portion your food eat more veggies and fruit, simple right I know it's not!!! But if you want to look hot at 64 which you can! Then get in cracking ladies..... For some inspiration check out these older beauties. Who haven't gone under the knife who just do the old fashion work and skin regimen.

Demi Moore is 49

Hale Berry is 45

Jennifer Aniston 42

Kim Kardashian 30


See ladies beauty over 30 as long as you work on it you can be too...I need to take me own advice. So head out to Sephora and buy you some good skin products and take up walking and working on your body buy those fruits and veggies and drink water... ASAP...So when you turn 30+  so when ever people  ask your age they are go WHAT NO WAY you look so young....

Love always Bianca


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