
Did I say "peace?" I meant "pain", actually I meant "peace" or maybe even both.
Pain can come and go in life. It can be a stubbed toe or a broken arm. But pain that is deep and lasting is often followed by perspective change. I sure have had a lot of that these past few years. I even see it in my son at 14.
As we watched the fireworks at midnight on New Year's Eve I asked him if he had any resolutions for the new year and he said,"No. I just want this year to be better than last year."
Instead of saying "I want save for a Red Ryder BB gun with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time" he just wanted life to be better...that's what was important to him.

Life looks very different now. What was once so important is really not important at all. What's important now is kindness and not criticism, peace and not conflict, appreciating what we do for each other. Big changes, especially for me...yes I said me. I have learned much I confess. I mean after all, the blog is about the "true story" not the "pretend story".


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