Nighty night

Sleep is important. Sleep helps you have energy for the day ahead. Sleep provides you with a little more patience in a stressful situation. Sleep makes you look and feel better. Sleep keeps you from taking your daughter's cell phone away and telling her that if she ever wants to see it again she better get downstairs right this instant and empty the dishwasher!

Sleep is also when your body does most of it's "reparation" (Homeschooling mom's this is the word for the day). As a person with cancer...I NEED SLEEP!

Here is part of an article that a bunch of Dr's wrote:
- A new study shows that how well you sleep may determine how well your body fights cancer -- and may help explain how mental well-being plays into cancer recovery and progression.-

Herein lies the problem....Chad snores....loud....a lot...keeping me from sleeping.
I have tried the smacking, elbowing, kicking approach, but the results are only temporary. Nasal spray, throat spray, giant glasses of water, yelling "You're snoring again!", lots of pillows, no pillows, melatonin, earplugs, FOR THE LOVE OF PETE I NEED TO GET SOME SLEEP!
Speaking of which, it is now 10:25 PST....the Breathe Right extra strength nasal strips are strategically placed in the center of his pillow....a gentle note to remind him is on the bathroom mirror...something to the effect of "if you have plans to ever sleep again in this lifetime, then you better use those strips..because if I am awake then you're awake"...Love your wife.



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