
It's almost 5:30 a.m. I have been awake since 4:00. I pulled a muscle in my side trying to put a gallon of milk in the car yesterday and it hurts. The tips of my fingers and the soles of my feet are "sunburned" from the chemo pills. It's hard to hold anything hot. Every day I seem to wake to sad news...hardship..shifting reality.

I sit propped up in bed thinking and praying and listening. My mind bounces from one friend to another...from family...distant and not so distant. Within this small circle there is pain. There is pain, illness, loss, disappointment, despair, sadness, death,anger and hurt. There are hospitals, and medicines, funerals and questions. But it's funny. As I sit here, in the dark...within this same circle there is much love. Each one of us suffering in our own lives yet wanting so much to help the other. Calling each other to be present in their pain, texting "I love you" messages throughout the day, listening, crying, laughing, supporting...
This my friend, is the beauty that lies in the true story.


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