The whirlwind

Where am I? What time is it? Is it Friday still? The last few days have been a total whirlwind...hence the picture above. I think it all started last Monday with some muscle spasms in my back. These were not your typical spasm these were the vicious variety....the kind that bite into your muscle and don't let go easily. I had a Dr.'s appointment scheduled that day and was hoping to find relief there.

On the contrary...the pain intensified to the point I was ready to walk out in the middle of my treatment. In addition it took over 3 nurses and 12 "pokes" to get an IV started for me.

Later that night the pain was so bad I woke a friend out of bed to request a ride to the Emergency Room. Those kinds of friends are truly more than friends...they are angles.

In the ER they took an x-ray of my spine and noticed a large compression fracture that was most likely the cause of this pain.
To quell the pain the Dr. prescribed a few things....First came the Ativan to relax the muscle...just a small-ish dose. Then there was the Dilaudid for pain...then a Valium injection and then to top it off, a small-ish dose of Percocet.

Holy COW!!!!!!! I don't remember much after that.

When that didn't help I contacted my favorite, most wonderful Dr. I think I've mentioned him...Dr. Lee. This phone call led to steroids and an MRI scan ASAP.
After the scan was the appointment with said Dr., a injection in my stomach, a CT scan and a chest x-ray...which lead to another appointment with another Dr. to discuss Vascular Spine things, and the realization that there are 3 areas of concern he felt needed radiation treatment....two ribs and a vertebrae. This lead to an appointment with the Radiological Oncologist on Tuesday.....which after the pie tipped over a little in the car brings me to right now.

So with the temporary help of some steroids and pain pills I will push in to next week and see where that takes me.

Maybe tomorrow I will talk about the whole breaking up and then making up with your favorite Dr. Have I mentioned how great he is?
I will also be discussing what the house looked like when I got home after 1 night away. Good thing I still have a few Ativan left.


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