
My cart is overloaded...I know I am not the only one. Cancer is HARD...life is HARD....heck, let's face it, doing anything without caffeine is hard.

Between the mouth sores, sore throat, chemo, head cold and radiation fatigue.... the FIGHT in me has taken a small hiatus. I think it went to Hawaii. God knows how much I like Hawaii so He was kind enough to send it there....cuz the truth of the matter is, that like this donkey, there is NOTHING I can do about my situation but hang out and wait.... oh, it's not the least bit comfortable but flailing around will just make it worse.

So for you homeschooling moms, the spelling/vocabulary word for today is "hiatus"...please spell it, then use it in a sentence today....

For everyone else....God knows what we need.....just relax...no fair eye-rolling.


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