Just Because

Just because I can't wait 
for Christmas morning....

Just because it's a frosty
Wednesday morning, and
my kids won't expect it.

Just because it's easy!

Just because it's beautiful.

Just because it tastes divine.

Just because I want you to
know why I stick to my
exercise routine through
the holiday season : )

Just because nothing
would be better than sipping 
coffee or tea and diving
into this yummy-ness
with YOU!
{Wouldn't we have fun?}

My mom first clipped this

simple but amazingly gooey,
cinnamon-y, delicious recipe
from our local paper in 1976.
{We were living in a tiny town on
 the Canadian border, at the time.} 
The newspaper called them 
Overnight Butterscotch Rolls, 
but since we have had
 these delights every Christmas 
morning since that year, 
our family has dubbed them
Christmas Rolls.

The scent of Christmas Rolls
had my kiddos up and at 'em
in no time, today.....

Happy Wednesday!
I said as they caught a whiff 
of this scrumptious treat.

Here's how you
make the magic,
in a few easy steps.....

The night before:

Step 1:  Grease bundt pan, sprinkle 1 cup chopped pecans
and 10 marchino cherries on the bottom.  Top those with
18 frozen white dinner rolls and top rolls with one small
box regular {not instant} butterscotch pudding.
Step 2:  Over medium heat, bring one stick butter,
1/2 cup dark brown sugar and 1 tsp. cinnamon
to a boil, stirring constantly.  This happens quickly.
Step 3:  Pour sugar mixture over frozen
rolls in pan.  Cover with wax paper

and let rise overnight.
Go to bed!

The next  morning:
Step 4:  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Remove wax paper.   Your rolls have
risen and are ready to go in the oven.
{Prepare for heavenly smells!}
Bake for 25 minutes.

Step 5:  Place platter across top of rolls.
Carefully flip pan upside down onto platter.
Lift pan and be sure to let all the gooey goodness
drip out upon the rolls.  They will look like this.

Step 6:  Enjoy the LOVE!!

One piece won't be enough...

Just because.

Sticky hugs, from
me to you!


images:  All Privet & Holly
except for recipe card,
from Bon Appetit


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