God in the details

Room 254 bed 2....that is where I am right now..if you had asked me yesterday where I would be now I would have answered "home, in Anacortes". Well, I am not....again, serving as a fine example of life out of my control.

I arrived at my Dr.'s appointment yesterday as scheduled, and ended up having yet another blood transfusion today as NOT scheduled...the transfusion came with two eggs,scrambled, whole wheat toast and a single tall latte. (latte courtesy of super friend Traci, who is ALWAYS fabulous for providing coffee, magazines and some laughs.)

According to mom, who patiently sits with me, there is emerging color in my cheeks.

Yummy Yummy red blood cells, making me feel better. The Dr. thinks the combination of the radiation, new chemo, and rapid weight loss/dehydration...are the cause.
I think he is a smart man who knows whereof he speaks.

So in my out of control world my veins are gulping down healthy blood and I become more and more aware of God's amazing attention to the details.


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