Expect the unexpected

DRY mouth, otherwise known as xerostomia. Not once in my life did I ever think I would have to know about it, much less experience it. Well, maybe I did experience it once in Mr Berg's class where I had to give an oral report that was not close to being done because I decided to go to the basketball game instead.
Either way I never expected to know anything about it, or that there was such a thing as "numb chin syndrome" or what words like "aromatase inhibitors" meant or that veins have valves.
(Home school moms, are you taking notes?) I didn't know you could start shrinking at age 44 or that hair doesn't grow back lush and beautiful after radiation.
I also didn't know you could make such good friends in such a short period of time, that pain draws people together and that there are people who laugh WITH you not AT you when your wig falls off.


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