Split Ends? I hear ya!

Feel like your hairstylist just doesn't listen to you? Well, no more! A Tokyo-based company called Kao makes a device that takes sonic readings of your hair – detecting friction levels as it combs – to let you know if your locks sound healthy. According to the New York Times, the tress-techy tool – “Hair Check” – uses a 0-100 scale to measure damage from bleach and dye. (Anything under 33 is Barbie. 66 and up: hello scarecrow.) But the hairiest, scariest part? You get a take-home hair report at the end of your sonic session -- to tack on the fridge or use as firewood, your choice. Kao plans to unveil Hair Check in stores and trade-shows soon. Until then, here’s hoping for a sonic-reader that blow-dries and curls too ...


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