Safer makeup for the EU?

It could be a tighter ship for European cosmetics soon. European Parliament passed legislation yesterday to regulate chemicals used in consumer products – according to WWD – which includes cosmetics and perfumes. The legislation is called Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) and officially becomes law if the EU Environment Council passes it Monday. A 1981 law was a small start on this – it required new makeup chemicals to be tested before hitting shelves – but “existing” chemicals on the market weren’t affected. But that all changes if REACH passes, as more than 30,000 chemicals will have to register with the European Chemicals Agency. And if a chemical in your mascara fails to register? Can’t sell it or import it into the EU. The endeavor will definitely tap la finance of the industry – approximately 2.3 billion euros ($3 billion) – but experts are calling it a must for protecting consumer safety. So cheers to safer, chemically-approved cosmetics!


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