Is your make up stale?

Hello beautiful people,

The title of this blog is not about your make up 'look' being stale but literally, is your make up stale? as in OUT OF DATE? Yes, believe it or not make up does have an expiry date. I must admit I am guilty of this make up crime and it is so easy to lose track on how long you've had your products.

I don't know how many of you know, but make up does have a symbol on the packaging giving you a shelf life, eg;

This is from the back of a Nars bronzer, so this symbol means that once opened, this product will be ok to use for 24 months. Obviously, if you haven't opened it, it will stay fresh for much longer.

What bothers me though (more than bronzer/blushers/eyeshadow) is lip products (and I've mentioned mascaras before in a previous blog,so won't babble on about that again). Don't you just hate that stinky-gloss smell (when lipglosses have gone bad)? The offical expiration date for lip products is 9 months because of the bacteria you continually add to the tube (niiiice). However, I have noticed some brands go stale quicker than the 9 months, I've noticed this with Mac and the Nars pots.

So, here is a little guide for you for keeps.

Mascara: Personally, I change every three months because like lipglosses, bacteria builds up fast.

Foundations: Depends whether it's water or oil based, the water based ones will expire quicker (12 months)  than oil based (18 months)

Concealer: This depends on the packaging really and whether you use your fingers/apply directly to skin. Roughly 12 months.

Pencils: Sharpen regularly and they'll be fine.

Eyeshadows: I have eyeshadows from years ago and they're fine, just make sure you clean the make up brushes you sue with the shadows regularly.

More tips;

1. Wash brushes once a week or every 2 weeks (I wash mine with shampoo and conditioner, you can use something gentle like baby shampoo or you can buy special brush cleaner).

2. Stale make up (especially oil based products) can lead to blocked pores which means you could be ruining your complexion.

Hope this helps y'all.



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