Don't stress your pretty little lash!

A just-in addendum to yesterday’s post: your stress-level seriously dictates your candidacy for extensions. Why? Because when we’re stressed we lose hair, which includes eyelashes. (Imagine a balding person adding hair extensions. Not pretty.) And Mary Schook – an extension-guru featured in Vogue, JANE, New York Times, you name it – is sending that message loud and clear. “Most women can't do eyelash extensions, at least here on the east coast,” she says. “Stress is greater here than anywhere. […] I turn down most of the people I see because their lashes are too weak from prior use of other lashes, thyroid conditions, medications, allergies, etc. Most technicians don't know this.” So in the big city – where jam-packed subways, frenzied workdays, and cursing cabbies are a norm – looks like extensions need to be carefully considered. But don’t panic yet: just take a deep breath and reassess whether it’s for you. Worst case, you're made for mascara.


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