When life gives you lemons

After the results of my last scan, I have been wondering. I realize that "it is what it is" as they say, but......is it possible that....naahh, probably not so much.

Phew! I feel better now that that issue is resolved. Next issue please.

When life gives you lemons what should you do? Ok, altogether now, "MAKE LEMONADE". And when life gives you ginger, put the lemon and the ginger in a small teapot, wait 3 minutes and drink.

Great advice I believe as lemon and ginger have both been noted for slowing the spread of cancer. Who is not going to be all over that I ask myself!! And "HELLO", at this time of year isn't it time to start thinking of all things ginger? For the ginger impaired let me just say GINGERBREAD. Enough said.

So, when life gives you lemons don't whine, just add a little ginger and let your imagination run wild...you know....within reason...don't go too crazy....maybe just make tea...or some gingerbread...that's all I"m saying.


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