The Skinny

Another day, another New York Times article on skinny models. It's much of the same news: Models are dangerously thin. Some cities are trying to stop them from walking the runways. Models are either agreeing that they are too thin, or lashing back. Agents do care. Designers don't. But this one had an interesting blind item:

"A name came up of a celebrated designer, with his own history of weight issues, who was overheard last season chiding a particular runway star for beefing up. The woman took the hint. She took time off to “rest” and came back so thin you could drive a Hummer through the space between her thighs."

Another question: If cities are trying to ban too skinny models from the runways, should they apply the same BMI standards to the audience? In that case, half of the front row would be banned....


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