Becoming Beauty-full

Warm water ran slowly
over my hands as I washed
dishes and dreamily 
took in the view outside.
Blustery winds rattled
the windows, leaves
hurtling down against
a crazy-quilt backdrop
of yellows, reds, oranges
and greens.

The flowers in my planter
boxes, bent by the winds,
bobbed and swayed as if to say,

Hey, what happened
to summer? and 
Heck, I wasn't expecting this!

Sort of like growing older.

When you are over 40,
you are technically moving
into the autumn years of your 
life, if you think about it.
{Heck, what happened
to summer?}

{Heck, I wasn't expecting
this...or this....or this!}

And while we consider
leaves to be beautiful when
they are changing colors,
drying up and blowing away,

in human beings


Which is why the beauty 
marketplace is flooded with
every anti-aging product
imaginable.  We want to
continue seeing our outside
beauty in a half-full, rather
than a half-empty sort of way.

I ordered the latest catalog recently
  from the British company Toast.
It came last week and while waiting 
in the car line at school, I flipped 
through it, savoring all the yummy 
fall wools and tweeds.

I turned page 51 and stopped
in my tracks.  A model stared
back who was entirely different
than any woman I had seen in
catalogs here in the USA.  I
found myself grinning from ear
to ear.....

For the first time I could picture my
 older self in the future, daring
to love every wrinkle, every gray or
 white hair and staying in step with
fashion; not fading away like last
season's autumn leaves if I pass 
on Botox, plastic surgery, etc.

I got varied reactions from others
when I shared this picture.  Sadly,
like me, most had to do a double-take;
 that's how rarely we see a model of
this age.  One didn't like her long hair
and others weren't comfortable with 
the natural photography or her
thoroughly modern look.

Me?  I want to hug her.  I want to
hug Toast, too, for having the vision 
to see her as beauty-full and not

One of my favorite models in the U.S.
started modeling when she was discovered
at age 49.  She is now 60 and makes
up to $25,000 per day for her work.  
Her name is Cindy Joseph and you may
recognize her from numerous
print and television advertisements.

This former make-up artist has her
own line of cosmetics which she created
with the less is more philosophy, believing
that a lighter touch is more enhancing 
 as women get older.

She also has a blog, which I found to

be inspiring, comforting and upbeat.

Aging is really just another word for
living.  Life continues to be a magical
and fascinating adventure.  My passion,
my feelings, and all that I am are intact
and functioning.  The concept that aging
is becoming less in some way is really the
antithesis of what happens.  One becomes
 more and more as life continues.

~ Cindy Joseph

So, as autumn blows both literally and
figuratively into my life, I am making a
conscious decision to celebrate the 
physical loveliness of my generation 
and those who started the journey 
before me, affirming and living
Cindy's positive manifesto.

Will you join me,


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