Oh Canada

Hello eh? We are back from our great girls get-away. Three generations of women have recently arrived home from some footloose fun in Victoria,BC. The weather was spot on as they say. We did just what we wanted to do and it was simply delightful.
How often do you get to do just what you want to do? I would say not very often. My guess would be a small-ish percent. So we all took our small-ish percents and squished them together into 3.5 days and had a brilliant time.

Included in that brilliant time was High Tea, castles, delicious meals, stunning views, British accents, shopping, soaking in the sun and atmosphere, walks by the bay, gifts for those we love, wax, wrong turns, right turns, makeovers, flowers, peanut butter and jelly, laughter....and the list goes on.
The most beautiful thing about this trip is that nothing will ever take away the beautiful memory so we will be able to take this trip over and over and over again. That is a very happy making thought, and a cheerful heart is very good medicine.


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