Never Say Never

Sasha is our last dog.
~ My dad

I'll never survive another
{Doberman} puppy.
~ My mom

Never say never.

Two-thirds angel....
One-third {mischievous} devil....

One-hundred percent love.

When you walk
with a puppy
on the beach
you are an
instant celebrity....

movie star

rock star

star athlete

May I pet her?

Yes, of course!

How old is she?

Thirteen weeks.

Is she a Doberman?

Yes, she is.

What's her name?


Where did you
get her?

She's from here.

Are you going
to crop her ears?

No, never!

Proving that
you can
teach an old
dog new tricks,
Sasha was not
my parent's
last dog.

But they
will always
miss her.

Sasha taught 
them to keep
their hearts open...

And that 
never dies.

And so far
Mom is
surviving another
Dobie puppyhood...
Her hands have
the teething marks
to prove it!

Because puppyhood,
so fleeting,
so full of
joyful moments
is also

....teeth marks
and all!

Love from
the Oregon Coast
and wet puppy kisses
from Kate.

All images P&H with
special assistance
from my son on #2 & #19.


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