Bless Me

Dear Lord, bless Dog.
She has a family that loves
her and she tirelessly gives
that love back, every day.
Keep her safe.  Keep her
cool in the summer and 
warm in the winter.  May 
she always have a cozy lap
 and someone to play with.
Bless all the days of her life.

96 degrees F, 107 heat index.....
Toto, I don't think we are in 
Minnesota, any more!

Water, shave ice, music,
slip-in-slide, hot dogs to
eat and hot dogs {and cats
and even a hamster} waiting
for a blessing were all parts
 of a fun ~ albeit steamy ~
evening event.

Welcome to Blessing of the
Animals, summer style.

One of the most enjoyable
things about serving on our
church's Board of Deacons
is the opportunity to assist 
our community in many unique
ways.  This year, it was our
board who hosted the annual
Blessing of the Animals, a
service that celebrates the
special role that our pets play
in our families and our lives.

Since our 12-year old son
started a shave ice business
this year, we thought that
supplying the dessert for
the Blessing attendees would
be a great way to help beat
the heat as well as introduce
his business to our local area.

It turned out to be a big hit.

Uh-oh, brain freeze!

There was always a line.
125 served!

Isn't it funny how some animals
almost seem to look like 
their owners?

A tarp, a hose and some bubbles;
instant slip-n-slide.  Who knew
that throwing yourself on black
plastic could be so much fun??

Did I mention that
there was live music?

The guy on the left could really boogie!

The two ministers who bestowed
the blessings couldn't have 
been more perfect for the role.

I think the animals felt it.

I sure did.

Despite the oppressive heat
and humidity, well over 200
attended the service and

.....a night to remember!

Animals share with us
the privilege of having
a soul.

~ Pythagoras


PS:  The winner of the
16x20 rolled
canvas, chosen by is #26,
Blessings From Our Nest


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