
I saw my Dr. yesterday. Have I mentioned how great he is? I have? Oh, well let me just say again he is super fantastic.
We discussed my blood work which was good and somehow defying logic. We talked about Chemo pills and bone pain (which is virtually non-existent). But most of all we talked about stress and how that can affect me. We talked a lot about my husband leaving and the effect on the kids and families and me. It is the first time we talked more about my stress level than my blood levels.

Most oncology doctors wouldn't go into such detail with their patients. He suggested many involved a guy named Frankie "Four Fingers" Messorelli...actually I think that was my suggestion...

Anyway, my new marching orders are not to be stressed I gotta go. My driver is bringing the Jaguar around to take us to the airport where the kids and I will spend a few weeks in Arizona on our oceanfront property.


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