China Glaze Halloween 2010: Zombie Zest

Zombie lovers unite! This is one perfect nail polish. Green, named Zombie Zest, glitter, very reasonably priced, China Glaze quality. While I love all 3 shades in the Awakening set for Halloween 2010, this is my personal favorite.

All of these pictures were taken outdoors in various lighting and I used 2 coats with this easy to work with formula. I can see in my photos that I could have gone with 3 coats (index finger), but hopefully you get the general idea! The first coat had to be one of the ugliest colors I've ever seen--a putrid yellowish green. It reminded me of split pea soup, but it didn't phase me because I knew it would liven up with another coat. The bright foil-like glitter is primarily light green, with small amounts of aqua and gold glitter also. Scrangie compared it to SpaRitual Optical Illusion very nicely in photographs, and it is a dead-on dupe. I studied the base color of each, and while Optical Illusion looks to be more charcoal and Zombie Zest looks to have more of a pea green-grey base, they definitely look identical once applied to the nail. Not only could you save yourself some money by choosing the China Glaze version, you also get to say Zombie Zest when someone asks you what color your wearing. In my book, that sounds way more impressive than Optical Illusion!


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